Pt 2. 7 Things to look for in a woman that will keep you from regretting you chose heR

Pt 2

3. Helpful!!!!!! : YOU NEED HELP! As men, we tend to shoot to the position of “doing it on our own'' or “figuring this one out myself” which couldn’t be any further from the truth. If God can do absolutely anything but doesn’t do anything without community or people, what makes you think you can or should do anything on your own? You can’t do life on your own. You need her to do it with you. The right woman will make so much of your life better because women were designed with the intent to bring life to words, ideas and creation. I understand asking for help is awkward, but a solid woman won’t view you asking them for help as weak. It actually gives her an opportunity to feel valuable because she's fulfilling a need. You’re giving her the chance to exercise how great she can love you. You don’t want someone that’s ok with watching you struggle as you maneuver through life. I do want to emphasize that having her doesn’t negate your responsibility for caring for yourself. This isn’t for you to look for a woman who’ll be your servant nor do you want someone to treat you like their grown child. Find someone that nurtures, comforts and assists you bro. 

Women have this power of multiplication; so when you give them your thoughts, ideas and desires they take it in and usually present it back to you more complete. So experiencing that power a woman has towards something you are passionate about and pursuing on a consistent basis will bring a value to your life you can’t get anywhere else.

4. Understanding/Listener: Most men don’t know how it feels for our feelings to be heard because either we’re not communicating them well or we’re used to them being dismissed. Which is unfortunate because being able to talk to someone is one of the greatest forms of intimacy we have as human beings. Being heard or received are some of the most valuable things a partner can experience. It’s the act of being able to pour into, conceive and give paired with the art of being understood, accepted and valued. This is one of the most impactful yet simple gifts that I hope every man on earth experiences in their lifetime. Feeling accepted, heard and valued in his most vulnerable moments. You want someone that wants to understand you. Understanding breeds peace.

5. Capacity to Cover: She must have the capacity to cover you. I know this might be contrary to what we were led to believe about the dynamic of a relationship between men and women but it’s true. A woman can and will cover a man that she loves just like we can and should for them. They have an ability to see things that we as men just don’t. They have a wisdom that is unlike anything else that will be favorable to you if you’re smart enough to listen. A man’s greatest source of  protection is his woman. When a woman loves a man his want for a lot of things reduces significantly because she probably already thought about it or provides it for him. Women can see things we can’t and have intuition or discernment  that will save your life if you listen. So Men pay attention to how you feel when you’re with her. Ask yourself, does she make me feel safe? One way to know the answer to that is by asking yourself “when I’m with her am I GOOD?”….like good as in taken care of and if that’s a yes  then you found a good one.

Blood of Yeshua