Kings: 7 Things to look for in a woman that will keep you from regretting you chose her

I want to start with this is intended for the men who I consider Kings, the ones who have a vision and are intentional about getting the best out of life. The goal is to help the men on a journey to find their dame and to help the women who are curious to know what some men are looking for. 

1. She has to be fine af  TO YOU. I mean the type of fine that makes you listen to 90s r&b and look at her pictures all day. The type of beauty that makes you want to thank God that she exists and she’s too beautiful for you to deserve. You want to be able to look forward to coming home to her being nasty with her. Or even just enjoy looking at her randomly, because we are visionaries, looks matter. There’s nothing wrong with choosing someone that you’re attracted to. If you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with her, you better like her.  Too often I talk to dudes and after asking a few clarifying questions it becomes obvious they just settled for someone that they didn’t really find attractive. She was just available and met a need for him at the time but once he became stable and comfortable it’s not who he wanted. One of the most simple pieces of advice I like to give young dudes is that “Get with a woman you actually like so you’re in a better position to not wanna cheat later” the temptation is always gonna come so put yourself in the best position to win and one of those ways are going after a woman YOU think is so beautiful it’s unfair. Women are one of God’s greatest creations, get yours and adore her.

2. She has to be in pursuit of something, I know this sounds contradictory but it’s not. You’re a leader and visionary. As a result, you’re going to impact the world to some degree,  period. I’m going to love my wife more than myself but I want her to have dreams of her own..... if it’s pursuing her passions, school, motherhood, business WHATEVER I don't care just don’t make me the center of your life because I’m not that interesting but your purpose is lol (I hope that makes sense). You don’t want someone who is going to wait on your hand and foot. You want someone who is going to compliment your life and vision as a result of them being diligent towards their desires and dreams.

This is part 1 of a 4 part series…..To be continued

Blood of Yeshua