“married: A Love Letter”

This post wasn’t for people, it’s for me & mine

Just a black man expressing his love to his love.

To the one that takes my breath away, I seriously am falling deeper and deeper in love with you. I don’t feel worth it. I love you so intensely that sometimes I feel like I’m melting. I constantly stand  in a puddle of my own tears when I think about you and how often you serve me and come through for me. I love you so much I want to do everything in my heart for you. I would legit die if you ever left me. Your love is so pure and contagious that it makes me want to love others better. The more I love you, the more I hate my old ways.

I don’t understand how you love someone as imperfect and as broken as me. After our intimate exchanges I don’t feel like I gave myself to someone that just views me as another whore. You look at me naked and vulnerable like I am perfect. Whenever we have disagreements I'm usually the issue,  and we both know it. So why do you look at me as if I have no flaws? 

I trust you with my life and everything in it. I've broken your heart over and over again yet you  embrace me with open arms when I run to you at the first hint of trouble. You are my true place of peace and no one else. You’re the only one strong enough to break the chains that enslave me as a captive in my own mind when life gets too much and I need to get free from my own self, you handle my anxiety with ease. You help me out my shame like it’s nothing, you fill me up with hope whenever you speak, you make my depression look like a joke. I want to give you all of me everyday. I want to do everything in my power to make your heart smile. 

You’re so forgiving and beautiful. I will continue to follow you in the storm because I’m addicted to your love and presence. No one understands me like you do. I didn’t even know me until I started to know you. I love you so much my sweet comforting bliss. I look forward to our next intimate exchange. It makes my soul light up. I vow to stay in this marriage forever. My Comforter, Jehovah, El Shaddai, Yahweh, Alpha you have so many names because you’re bigger than just a religion. You’re a relationship and I love you forever. My Lord, my Savior…... thank you.

Blood of Yeshua