Loving on a Black Man

Love a Black man

An open letter to my little man

I promise you I’m doing my best little man. There’s so much I’m fighting that I never trained for. Expectations, the wounds of abuse, society, old habits, generational curses, addictions, and learning what to do with these pains, tears, and hurt. There will be times in life where you’ll be fighting, frustrated, and scared. I know this because I'm there right now. I'm looking around trembling because half of me is in disbelief and the other half doesn’t even know what to feel. I watch the ones that are supposed to protect us from abuse of their power. I've seen it happen to my father, brothers, and experienced it myself. So odds are it might happen to you too. It’s scary, I don’t know what to tell you that will guarantee your safety because even when you’re innocent and compliant they will still murder you.

Racial injustice is a huge issue in this world and sometimes you’ll feel like you’re on the losing side but it’s not over yet. I personally don’t know what an overall solution looks like at the moment but I’ll start with what I do know. What I really want you to understand and see closely is that the same thing that causes racist people who are in power to abuse that authority is the same thing that causes a man to beat on his wife in his home or an adult to sexually abuse a vulnerable child. It’s sin. It’s a heart issue, it’s not knowing who you really are, it's not knowing what you’re here for, it’s selfishness, greed, and a lack of empathy. I don't have the power to change the world or the hearts of all these people but I can impact what’s in front of me. So let me start by loving the man that I'm raising. 

You will hear that we’re ugly, we’re cheaters, we’re financially irresponsible, we’re ignorant, we’re trash, we’re violent, we ain’t shxt, we’re abusive, we’re lazy, and that we’re bad fathers. When that is not the case. That isn’t your identity. You may hear it so often and see it so often that you might even believe it. Hell, you might even do things that make you think it must be the truth, but it’s not! Your big lips are beautiful, your dark eyes are royalty. You’re a King, you are successful, you are a conqueror, you are a leader, you are smart, you are honest, you are fly, you are a gift, you will make mistakes, you are loved but foremost and most importantly you are a child of God! 

We are all doing our best. Both men and women if you’re reading this, please love on a black man intentionally, love on a black woman intentionally, love on our children intentionally. Be an oasis of love in the desert of hate that it feels like we’re in. 

Blood of Yeshua