Thoughts of a Thot or “THAT NIG*A”

What They Don’t Tell You

Jan 6, 2017

“Wow bro, you’re really THAT NIGHA, you get so many baddies….I wish I wasn’t with my girl sometimes and just lived a little. We’re happy and all but sometimes I just wish I experienced the life you lived. '' At that moment I realized that’s what it felt like to want to smack the taste out someone’s mouth. Then I started to express to him the things to consider before he wanted to be who people thought I was or “THAT NIGHA”, it’s not what you think. Let me tell you about the things NO ONE ever tells you about. It’s not all good sex, having baddies and being looked up to. Any dude that’s been out here in these streets can tell you that. It’s funny because now at my age I wanna actually commend those who are  faithful to one, and only giving yourself to a few women in your lifetime. You have your “I wish” and I have “I wish I never did”.

No one ever talks about the memories you wish you could forget. No one tells you about the hearts that you break along the way, the cries you hear and the tears you watch hit the floor. No one tells you that you’ll develop trust issues because you’re the dude laying next to a girl as she calls her boyfriend, you watch her lips tell him “I love you” and afterwards, with those very same lips, start to please you sexually……No one tells you that whenever you start to consider settling down and falling in love you’ll be scared not knowing if a woman would feel secure enough to settle down with a former womanizer. No one ever tells you about the lonely silent drives home from a long night of finessing and preying on a young woman’s gullibility only to smash her knowing you’ll never talk to her again; Not even remembering her name two weeks from then. No one tells you about the random flashbacks that pop in your head at the most inconvenient times so you beg God to help you forget them because they force you to sit and relive moments that you knew weren’t any good but yet you secretly enjoyed every minute of the lust, the touches  and guilty pleasure.

Lastly, when you’re caught up chasing after these empty situations to fulfill desires that are deeper than just sex you miss out on moments you can’t get back. You miss out on being there for people who need you, you become so clouded and so deep in it that you become so dark and very different to the point you don’t even recognize yourself in comparison to who you used to be. It doesn’t only cost you large parts of  your soul but also money on gas, Plan B pills and liquor! Lol. Don’t let people fool you bro, living that fast life only causes you to lose yourself and end up lonely with nothing but half stories you barely remember or wish you didn’t remember. 

You got a good one and the good ones don’t wait around, they move on the next dude that’s willing to step up. So before you wanna glorify being “THAT NIGHA” ask yourself, is it worth it?

“THAT NIGHA” or Thot - is also referred to as a womanizer, player or seducer.

a man who selfishly engages in numerous casual sexual affairs with women.

Blood of Yeshua