Don’T Sleep…Them Godly Dudes are winning

Me: Do you trust me?

Young Homie: Yea

Me: I'm gonna be honest with you, God can’t really be explained he can only be experienced. I don’t follow God because I’m trying to be Holy or because I wanna come off as righteous (if anything I’m actually REALLY good at sinning). To be honest I really can care less about acting churchy or super Christian. I’m pursuing him because I really am falling in love with him. The more I learn how understanding he is or how I can come to him with absolutely anything and he’s not offended by my emotions or thoughts. How I can come to him and tell him “I’m scared and I don’t know if if I can fully trust you or that I want to and I am about to do something really stupid and you either need to help me, distract me or comfort me, if not it’s over for me and I’m gonna be right back where I shouldn’t be.” If you knew some of the prayers I’ve prayed or how I asked him to come through for me you wouldn’t believe it. When I mess up I run to him and he helps me. When I should be punished instead I get blessed, uplifted and encouraged. When I am happy, joyful and at peace, I come to him he gives me more. It’s like if I tell my son to not jump down the stairs and he does anyway and breaks his foot as a good father will I yell at him and beat him? Hell no I’ll pick him up, comfort him, wipe his tears and get help for his leg. There is no losing or downfall with God. When he asks you to give something up it’s cause it’s for your benefit or he wants to give you better. He is the best high, the deepest love, the warmest comfort. No woman, drug nor vice holds a candle to how he can satisfy you. He’s changing me from the inside out and I never have to be perfect, I just have to keep him first so as a result of that I want to do what makes him happy. Which is something I couldn’t do without knowing him ...simple.

Honestly, another reason I will always follow him is that I’m not an idiot. I want the best life has to offer now and for all eternity. Seriously ever since I started taking God more serious I physically look better, feel better and I am legit wiser. I got more influence, creativity, and favor everywhere I go. The quality of my life has increased. A lot of dudes look good, any dude can have a nice car, and if you get focused enough eventually you can get money in anything you commit too, but how many real Godly men are walking around here. He sets me apart…...I like being exclusive.

Lastly, by knowing him, I learned more of who I am, I learned what my gifts are. From there I put them to use to help him and his creation which as a result it gave me purpose. When something has a purpose it has value and because I know I’m valuable to him can’t nobody tell me nothing. I walk around with my head held high because I stand on his confidence, not my own. Who and what’s gonna break what God has in his grasp. I’m secure, I’m confident and completely unstoppable because I know who God is and I know who I am in him. The best part about it is that I didn’t have to work for this he just gives it to you when you get into a relationship with him. All in all, I mean this with everything in me, life is hard and sometimes it really sucks so why not go through it with the God that controls and created the universe and promises to help you every step of the way while blowing your mind and expectations. Say what you want but God is where it’s at, the other side sucks bro.

Blood of Yeshua