

Gems & Juice: A Life & Style Guide


Where droppin gems and drippin juice is just a product of the lifestyle.

Allow us to assist in adding to your character, style and way of life.


*Gems - Wisdom
*Juice - Style & Swagger
*Boyesh - The luxurious product of the Blood of Yeshua lifestyle

the LAW

You can cool, wise, sexy and still know God.




Please Beware!

You'd never guess what is probably your biggest opponent.....& also the most underrated as well.



Please Beware! pt2

Don't leave here without making sure you know who it is or what it is that you have to fight to make it.



The Blood Red

You can't change anyone,  stop trying to and understand thats who they are. Accept it or leave them.






Struggle Mondays

No matter what at some point we're gonna face a struggle in life. You can either embrace it, endure it and share it or ignore it and front on IG.







The odds of you being born the way and where you were (under those same circumstances) is 1 in 400,000,000,000,000 (400 trillion). You're special. 




A Great Value Brand

People  only value something as  much you value it.



Urban Saint

True change comes from leaving your comfort zone


Reggie_BOY_South Beach-87.jpg

Eden Attire

A rare sighting of Adam after him and Eve sinned and they put on some gear they found in the garden of Eden. Perfect picture of how even when we mess up God still got you covered. 



Earthy tones & Chocolate skin

You connect with people through their weaknesses, your strengths just only impress them
